You probably want to learn more about the history of Neuchâtel, and you’re in luck! The Hôtel Beaulac Neuchâtel offers you through this article, to explain a little more about the history of Neuchâtel and what characterizes our dear city and the canton of Neuchâtel today. So, we wish you all an enjoyable read!
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Some facts about Neuchâtel
The canton of Neuchâtel, also known as Neuenburg in German, is located in the northwest of Switzerland and is part of French-speaking Switzerland. Each of you has already been in contact with Neuchâtel, guaranteed. Everyone knows the Chevrolet brand and therefore the Neuchâtelois founder behind it. Or anyone working closely or remotely in social sciences, education, or similar fields, will certainly have heard of Jean Piaget, a pioneer in developmental psychology.
Additionally, Lake Neuchâtel is remarkable not only because it is beautiful but also because it is the largest Swiss lake located exclusively on Swiss territory.
Politics in the canton of Neuchâtel
Politically, the canton of Neuchâtel is quite interesting. It is the most left-wing canton in Switzerland. This is evident in the cantonal parliament composed of one hundred members, where the communists, social democrats, and Greens almost have a majority to themselves. But that’s not all. Just a few years ago, the cantonal parliament of Neuchâtel also became the first and only cantonal parliament where the majority of members are women, namely 58.
During the National Council elections in 2019, this left-wing trend was once again strongly confirmed.
Approximately 176,000 people live in Neuchâtel. Therefore, the canton is entitled to four seats in the National Council. And the distribution of these four seats changed significantly in 2019. The Swiss People’s Party (UDC), the Swiss National Party, not only lost its seat in the National Council to the Greens, but also fell behind the Communist Party PDA with a loss of nearly 8 percentage points.
Thus, Neuchâtel assigns its four seats to a deputy from the PDA, the Socialist Party, the Greens, and the Swiss Liberal Party. No other canton sends representatives politically further to the left. So, it was no surprise that Neuchâtel was the first canton to introduce a cantonal minimum wage in 2017. This was accepted by the people of the canton in 2011 in a referendum. Note also that in the canton of Neuchâtel, foreigners can participate in democracy, as in all French-speaking cantons.
History of Neuchâtel: its coat of arms
The coat of arms of the canton of Neuchâtel also testifies to this revolutionary period. The coat of arms was supposed to symbolize independence and belonging to Switzerland. There are different explanations for the choice of colors. Green may represent independence or symbolically the fir forests of the Jura, from where the aspirations for independence found much support. White represents the entirely peaceful and non-bloody revolution overall, and red with the Swiss cross in the upper right corner represents solidarity with all of Switzerland. It is purely coincidental that the choice of colors corresponds to that of Italy.
The Prussian past, however, has not completely disappeared from a heraldic point of view. The coat of arms of the city of Neuchâtel still shows the old coat of arms of the Prussian prince of Neuchâtel. However, the name of the canton is much older, much older. In the 12th century, the castle of Neuchâtel, which somewhat resembles Hogwarts from certain perspectives, was called Novum Castellum, that is, New Castle. And from there, over the centuries and in different forms and spellings, Neuenburg or Neuchâtel was born. And since we’re talking about the castle of Neuchâtel, which is definitely worth a visit, let’s not forget that the canton of Neuchâtel is full of wonders.
Not only all the towns and villages on the shores of Lake Neuchâtel, but also the localities further northwest, hiking trails, hills, fields, and forests. Simply a feast for the eyes.
The quintessential Swiss symbol
With French-speaking Switzerland, but especially with Geneva/Neuchâtel, one of the most Swiss symbols possible is associated: Watchmaking. Today, it is the symbol of Swiss precision and quality. Two aspects are particularly interesting in this regard. The approximately 20 million Swiss watches represent only 2% of the total number of watches in the world in terms of pure numbers.
These 2% cover, however, about 50% of the total value that all watches produced together generate. Precisely because Swiss watches are on the one hand products of such high quality and on the other hand, high prices are paid for them.
Behind Swiss watchmaking is also the interesting fact that it would not exist in this form without foreigners. Today, Swiss watchmaking depends on the many cross-border workers, especially French, and it is also French refugees who brought their specialized knowledge to Switzerland.
Catholic France chased French Huguenots, i.e., Protestants, out in the 17th century, and they found a new home in French-speaking regions of Switzerland. Their expertise in watchmaking on the one hand and the high quality with which metals were worked in Switzerland on the other hand provided the perfect foundation for giving birth to the still flourishing watchmaking industry today. Thus, one of the symbols of Swiss quality and precision is a Swiss-French co-production.
The canton of Neuchâtel is therefore a relatively young member of Switzerland, but one that drove the Prussian royalists out of the castle to finally become part of Switzerland. It is a place full of landscapes, places, towns, and villages to visit.
What you should remember
The canton of Neuchâtel, in the northwest of Switzerland and French-speaking, is a center of history, culture, and innovation. Politically left-wing, its parliament has a majority of women, illustrating its commitment to equality. With its spectacular landscapes, including Lake Neuchâtel, the canton offers an unforgettable natural experience. Neuchâtel’s revolutionary past, marked by historical events like the 1848 revolt, is reflected in its coat of arms and heritage. The canton is also famous for its role in Swiss watchmaking, a symbol of precision and quality. The expertise of French border workers has helped shape this thriving industry.
So come and discover all that this region has to offer during a stay at the Hôtel Beaulac, where quality and comfort await you! Book directly here.