Services at Beaulac Hotel Neuchatel

Hotel Beaulac offers a range of exclusive services designed to make your stay exceptional. Enjoy our state-of-the-art fitness room, a space dedicated to your physical well-being where you can recharge and stay in shape.

If you have any questions about the services available to you, please contact us. We are here to make your stay as perfect as possible.

Find all our services here. At Hotel Beaulac in Neuchatel, you’ll find all the suitable facilities for a luxurious stay. Whether you’re here for business, passing through, or on vacation, you can access the following services: Business Center, Fitness Room, Meeting Rooms, Parking, 24-hour reception, Laundry Service – the choice is diverse.

Services : a fitness room for a complete and personalised workout

Our fitness room is equipped with the latest technologies to meet all your training needs. Whether you are doing cardio, strengthening your body with weights, or performing flexibility exercises, our space is designed to provide you with a comprehensive and enjoyable fitness experience.

Enjoy a workout session at the shores of Lake Neuchâtel. What could be better than this idyllic setting to challenge yourself, strengthen your mind, keep fit according to your preferences, and relax your body?

If you have any questions about using one or more pieces of gym equipment, please contact our on-site team. We are at your service. Discover the variety of our modern gym equipment and let our staff assist you to ensure that your training is tailored to your needs. Our staff is available at all times to help you use the equipment and answer any questions you may have. We wish you a successful and enjoyable training session in our gym by the lakeside.

Everyone, have fun working out!

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Business center

Meeting rooms



24/24 Reception

Dry cleaning & laundry

Discover all our services at Hotel Beaulac Neuchatel